Winterizing your home can save you time and money from busted pipes that could cause thousands of dollars in damage to sealing air leaks. Consider hiring a weatherization expert to come to your home and test for air tightness or to insulate your home. From the ManageLife App, you can request a technician to help you prepare for the winter. Here are some tips to keep your house warm and energy efficient this winter.

Tip 1: Seal Air Leaks
It’s amazing what a little caulk and weather stripping can do to seal the gaps around doors and windows. Heat loss from air leaks costs Americans millions every year in energy consumption. For your DIY’ers here is a good Article from the Department of Energy on sealing air Leaks. Click Here

Tip 2: Protect your Pipes and Water Heater from Freezing
Did you know you can buy a Fiberglass Water Heater Insulation Blanket to help insulate your water heater? You can find them at your local hardware stores. These blankets help reduce water heater recovery time to save energy. Also, insulate your outdoor pipes with foam pipe sleeves and any exposed pipes or those in the attic or crawlspaces.

Tip 3: Insulate your home
Adding additional insulation in the attic, walls, and floors can save you thousands of dollars in energy bills.

Tip 4: Upgrade Windows
Most heat or cool air gets out through old windows. Consider upgrading to energy-efficient windows made with Low-emissivity (Low-E) materials. These coatings reduce the amount of UV and infrared light. Also, investigate gas-filled windows and insulated frame options.

Tip 5: Install a programmable thermostat
A programable thermostat allows you to set up an energy-efficient home according to your family’s daily schedule. This way, you can turn down the heat when you are not home and turn it on an hour before you get home.

Tip 6: Invest in a furnace tune-up:
Getting your furnace serviced before the winter season can help ensure peak efficiency, saving you money.

Tip 7: Use a space heater wisely
Sometimes adding a space heater to a particular room is more advantageous than heating the entire house. Consider adding a space heater to the most used room, such as the living room.

Tip 8: Add a fireplace or wood stove:
Did you know you can add a small fireplace or wood stove to your home? Consider adding one for more incredible warmth without spending any electricity.

Tip 9: Use energy-efficient light bulbs:
Energy-efficient light bulbs use less energy and last longer than traditional incandescent bulbs, so make sure to switch to energy-efficient light bulbs throughout your home.

Tip10: Turn off lights and appliances when not in use:
Turning off lights and appliances when not in use can help reduce the amount of energy you use in your home, and therefore, save you money on your energy bills.